WireWorld Eclipse 8 XLR na XLR (1 m)

Kabel XLR na XLR Eclipse 8

  • Manufacturer: Wireworld
  • Availability: Exists Exists
  • 7,989.00 zł
  • szt.

The product is shipped within 24 hours.

We complete the order within 24 hours.

The product is covered by a one-year warranty.

You can return the product within 14 days.

MODEL                                         Quad DNA Helix

PRZEWODNIKI SYGNAŁOWE              4 (16 wiązek) Przekrój: 18AWG | 0.8 mm2


DIELEKTRYK                                  Composilex 3

STYKI WTYKU                                Posrebrzany OFC

UWAGI                                          ECI (RCA do RCA); EBI (XLR do XLR)

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